Swati Khandelwal
3 min readMay 25, 2018


Are you ready to build some big and strong legs? Here’s a leg workout for mass for beginners, but just because it’s for beginners doesn’t mean it’s easy so buckle up! Gyms have a lot of fancy tools and Internet provides us with a lot of fancy exercises. But when it comes to getting results, we opt for the traditional methods of doing leg workouts.

Cardio Workout | FITPASS

Cardio works goes very well for leg muscles, add in 20–30 mins of cardio sessions 2–3 times a week. It can anything like running, swimming, cycling or perform cardio in the gym twice per week. Perform cardiovascular exercises after lifting weights when your glycogen levels are depleted, so your body is more likely to turn to stored fat as a fuel source. Wear proper cardio outfit for greater results. Cardio helps you remove the fat from your legs. It’s a must!


Leg Press | FITPASS

The leg press exercise is a great movement for people to start off with since it’s a little easier to perform than both squats and lunges. The leg press machine also offers all sorts of variations. By altering your foot position, you can specifically target different muscle groups. Place your feet wide with your feet tilted outwards and you can draw more recruitment from your inner thighs. Position your feet a little higher up on the platform and you can draw additional recruitment from your hamstrings. There are all sorts of little tricks you can implement with the leg press exercise.


Dumbbell Lunge | FITPASS

Stand straight with dumbbells on both sides. Keep in mind that your palms should face towards your body. Lunge forward with your right leg. Now bend your trailing knee so that it almost brushes the floor. Use the heel of your right foot to push your upper body back to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg. Dumbbell Lunges work on your leg muscles including your quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, inner thighs and calves.

Leg workouts stimulate some of the largest muscles in your body, which helps create a metabolic state that is conducive to muscle growth. You can build muscle in your upper body without working out your legs, but working all the major muscles in your body will lead to faster and better results. So, never skip your leg day!

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